Vera's Story
March 1, 2022 Stories of Hope

"The calls from the Irish Chaplaincy are wonderful. They make me feel so human. Someone takes an interest in me and gives me a voice. I feel I am remembered. What more could I hope for."
So said Vera on February 22nd 2022, following a call from one of our volunteers, Anne. Vera had moved to London in her younger years after growing up in an orphanage in Ireland and following her retirement she began to feel lonely and isolated, with many of her friends having died or moved back to Ireland. Pre-Covid, she was regularly visited by our Pastoral Outreach Worker, Rory, who also put her in touch with other Irish people. Later, the Seniors Manager, Paul, made a referral to Immigrant Counselling and Psychotherapy, whereby a counsellor visits Vera every week in her home. She is very grateful for this; so too for the twice-weekly calls she receives from the Chaplaincy.
At Christmas, we arranged for Vera to receive a special hand-made and hand-written card from a pupil in Holy Family School, Ealing. She was delighted and said, "I am so glad that I haven't been forgotten about."
Vera feels closely connected with the Irish Chaplaincy and she said, "It makes up for the childhood I feel I never got when I was younger."