Third Lenten Reflection - 12 March 2025

March 13, 2025 Faith

Pat Gaffney, a volunteer with the Seniors Project of the Irish Chaplaincy offered her reflection on Lenten journeys.

Where is the place, the route, the room where we find it easiest to make our inner journey?

Sometimes journeys are enforced, as with migrants and refugees. What might their journey teach us something for Lent? How can being in solidarity with them become part of our own journey

What do we learn from illness as a journey? We see Pope Francis teaching us through his illness. "...while I am here, I think of the many people who in various ways are close to the sick, and who are for them a sign of the Lord's presence. We need this, the "miracle of tenderness" which accompanies those who are in adversity, bringing a little light into the night of pain."

You can hear the reflection here. You can see the images Pat used here.

Pat Gaffney


Pat Gaffney

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